Cosmic Bingo has been around for almost 2 decades around the country at different venues. Focusing on bringing in a younger group to play bingo and also have loud party fun.
When I worked as a Cosmic Bingo host, I worked on making signs that I would either print or display on the screens around the room. Focusing on making sure the guests take advantage of the free random drawing event.
The original poster(s) are used to emphasize where the drawing slips are located.
The style is made to look simple but cool. The style has positive feedback with the younger players ranging from 18 to younger 30s.
When the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted, Cosmic Bingo slowly gained its popularity back. However, one thing i noticed was the age demographic was not what it was before. Rather than 18 to 30-year-old players, we saw groups of folks in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and even couples in their 70s that would return frequently. The song playlist went from top hits of the year to being top hits of certain decades. This has me thinking of changing the aesthetics of the event to appeal more to the groups that are showing up.